black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Edukacja, integracja, zabawa

Pomoc uchodźcom wojennym z Ukrainy

Od wybuchu wojny w Ukrainie zaangażowalismy się w pomoc uchodźcom - bezpieczny nocleg, nauka, praca, integracja z lokalną społecznościa

Aktywnośc fizyczna - długie życie
Poprawa bezpieczeństwa

Fundacja Cooltura - Aktywnie dla społeczności

Działamy od 2016 roku, angażując się w rozwój społeczności lokalnej, promocję aktywnego stylu życia. W 2022 roku włączyliśmy się w pomoc uchodźcom wojennym z Ukrainy, którzy przyjechali do Polski w poszukiwaniu bezpiecznego schronienia.

W ramach poprawy lokalnej infrastruktury pozyskaliśmy środki na budowę nowej wiaty w Gliniku, kupiliśmy uliczne lampy solarne i radarowe wyświetlacze prędkowści

A young boy stands with raised arms in front of a row of tents in a refugee camp. The tents have UNHCR logos, indicating the involvement of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. In the background, a truck and a few vehicles are visible alongside a hillside. A national flag is flying on a pole, and the ground is dry and dusty.
A young boy stands with raised arms in front of a row of tents in a refugee camp. The tents have UNHCR logos, indicating the involvement of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. In the background, a truck and a few vehicles are visible alongside a hillside. A national flag is flying on a pole, and the ground is dry and dusty.

200 000 zł


Lat działalności

Zainwestowanych środków finansowych

Nasze Usługi

Wspieramy lokalną społeczność poprzez różnorodne działania na rzecz aktywności i bezpieczeństwa.

Aktywny Styl Życia

Promujemy zdrowe nawyki oraz organizujemy wydarzenia sportowe dla mieszkańców naszej społeczności.

A group of people gathered in an outdoor setting, many wearing colorful clothing and accessories, including rainbow patterns. One person holds a sign that reads 'Refugees Welcome.' Another individual is wearing a colorful rainbow hat.
A group of people gathered in an outdoor setting, many wearing colorful clothing and accessories, including rainbow patterns. One person holds a sign that reads 'Refugees Welcome.' Another individual is wearing a colorful rainbow hat.
Pomoc Uchodźcom - Ośrodek wsparcia uchodźców w Gliniku

Oferujemy wsparcie dla uchodźców, organizując programy integracyjne oraz pomoc w codziennym życiu.

A group of people are gathered for a protest or demonstration in an urban setting, with colorful smoke around them. They hold various signs that include messages advocating for refugee rights and against racism and xenophobia. The attendees are dressed in casual clothing, and there is a mix of individuals, including some wearing hats and jackets.
A group of people are gathered for a protest or demonstration in an urban setting, with colorful smoke around them. They hold various signs that include messages advocating for refugee rights and against racism and xenophobia. The attendees are dressed in casual clothing, and there is a mix of individuals, including some wearing hats and jackets.

Galeria Działań

Zobacz nasze inicjatywy wspierające lokalną społeczność i uchodźców.

A hand-painted sign hanging on a balcony reads 'REFUGEES WELCOME,' with a red heart symbol replacing the 'O' in 'WELCOME.' A pink flower is attached to the balcony railing beside the sign. The background shows a window partially covered by a curtain.
A hand-painted sign hanging on a balcony reads 'REFUGEES WELCOME,' with a red heart symbol replacing the 'O' in 'WELCOME.' A pink flower is attached to the balcony railing beside the sign. The background shows a window partially covered by a curtain.
A young girl stands confidently in front of a tent decorated with a colorful floral sheet. The scene appears to be a refugee camp, as indicated by the UNHCR logo on nearby tents. Another person is visible in the background, partially obscured, wearing a headscarf and striped shirt. The ground is dry and rocky, and the sky is bright and clear with few clouds.
A young girl stands confidently in front of a tent decorated with a colorful floral sheet. The scene appears to be a refugee camp, as indicated by the UNHCR logo on nearby tents. Another person is visible in the background, partially obscured, wearing a headscarf and striped shirt. The ground is dry and rocky, and the sky is bright and clear with few clouds.
A group of children are enthusiastically participating in an outdoor activity, guided by adults. The scene includes a mix of children and adults, with the children engaged in movements and gestures as part of a group exercise or game. Adults are sitting around observing and some are interacting with the children. A car is parked nearby, and the setting appears to be a residential area or community space with chairs and miscellaneous items visible.
A group of children are enthusiastically participating in an outdoor activity, guided by adults. The scene includes a mix of children and adults, with the children engaged in movements and gestures as part of a group exercise or game. Adults are sitting around observing and some are interacting with the children. A car is parked nearby, and the setting appears to be a residential area or community space with chairs and miscellaneous items visible.
A group of people, mostly women, are engaging in a physical activity outdoors. They are dressed in colorful attire, with many wearing orange or pink. The setting is in an open area with a paved surface near buildings with traditional roof designs. A large tree provides some shade. A banner with text and images is visible in the background.
A group of people, mostly women, are engaging in a physical activity outdoors. They are dressed in colorful attire, with many wearing orange or pink. The setting is in an open area with a paved surface near buildings with traditional roof designs. A large tree provides some shade. A banner with text and images is visible in the background.

Opinie Klientów

Zobacz, co mówią o nas nasi klienci i społeczność.

Fundacja Cooltura zmieniła moje życie, angażując mnie w lokalne działania.

Anna Kowalska
Several people are gathered around a water distribution point in what appears to be a refugee camp. A young girl and a man are carrying large white containers, while other women and children are waiting nearby. Tents and makeshift shelters can be seen in the background, suggesting a temporary living situation.
Several people are gathered around a water distribution point in what appears to be a refugee camp. A young girl and a man are carrying large white containers, while other women and children are waiting nearby. Tents and makeshift shelters can be seen in the background, suggesting a temporary living situation.


Dzięki Fundacji Cooltura poczułem się częścią społeczności, a ich inicjatywy są inspirujące i potrzebne. Wspierają nas w trudnych czasach.

A group of people wearing colorful headscarves and shirts are standing outdoors with their arms raised, seemingly participating in an exercise or stretching activity. They are in front of a large banner featuring images and text. The setting includes greenery and a covered area.
A group of people wearing colorful headscarves and shirts are standing outdoors with their arms raised, seemingly participating in an exercise or stretching activity. They are in front of a large banner featuring images and text. The setting includes greenery and a covered area.
Jan Nowak

